IV Infusion Therapy
The most direct way to provide your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal function & recovery.
Whether you are looking for supplemental nutritional support to manage ongoing chronic conditions, boost to your body’s natural immune defense system, aid in athletic recovery, or enhance peak physical performance, IV Infusion Therapy at Optimal Wellness for Life is a powerfully effective and safe means of delivering nutritional support for almost everybody!
Nutrients are normally delivered to the blood stream through the digestive tract, but this method is slow, and many nutrients are lost in the process, unable to be fully or effectively absorbed and delivered to the body systems that need them most. Many experience malabsorption issues caused by poor gut health related to any number of chronic inflammatory conditions or stress. Plus, our diets often do not provide enough of the vital nutrients necessary for optimal cellular function. Intravenous administration of these important nutrients bypasses the gastrointestinal tract entirely and delivers them directly to the cells, thereby solving any GI absorption problems.
The benefits can be astounding! Experience improved overall wellness, increased energy, complete hydration, better sleep, gentle detoxification, and stress reduction. By ridding the body of harmful free radicals, you can enjoy beauty enhancement, illness prevention, and more! For athletes, notice improved sports performance and reduced recovery time after a hard workout.
Routine IV therapy appointments are easily worked into on-the-go lifestyles and can provide an opportunity to unwind and relax in the midst of your busy schedule. Contact the Optimal Wellness for Life office today to learn more or set up an appointment or consultation!
Generally, IV therapy is considered a very safe and effective way to administer fluids, medication, and nutrients when performed by a trained medical professional. Occasionally, inflammation of the vein (termed phlebitis) or an infection may occur at the IV injection site. Symptoms include redness, warmth, and pain at the IV injection site. Warm compresses may be applied for comfort, and the patient should contact the practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.
The unintentional administration of a therapy outside a vein, termed extravasation or infiltration, can also manifest with IV therapy. This happens when the IV catheter becomes dislodged from the vein and the IV fluid collects under the skin surrounding the vessel. This complication can cause some discomfort but is generally detected early when the patient is closely monitored by the medical professional.
A small percentage of patients may experience a reaction known as a vasovagal response. This reflex can be triggered by certain things like stress, pain, and fear. Some unpleasant symptoms may occur when the vagus nerve is stimulated such as: dizziness, nausea, ringing ears, sweating, and in some cases, fainting. A vasovagal episode can be frightening, but it’s not usually a sign of a health emergency. The medical professional is trained to deal with a vasovagal response and will offer supportive care until there is a return to baseline status. Most who experience a vasovagal response recover quickly and are able to continue treatment. If you have a history of vasovagal response, please inform the registered nurse performing your IV infusion therapy, so your needs can be anticipated.
Side effects are infrequent with IV nutrient infusion therapy, and they are usually minor. The most common is a small amount of tenderness or mild bruising at the IV injection site for a day or two following an infusion. This in normal and will resolve on its own.
Some patients report a cool feeling in the arm during the infusion. This is because the IV fluid is typically stored room temperature, cooler than your 98.6 F body temperature. Another mild side effect that some experience during the first few minutes of the infusion is a “metallic taste” in the mouth. Occasionally, some report feeling a bit flushed.
Allergic reactions are very rare. Upon your initial consultation, Dr. Ruby will review your medical and allergy history to look for any potential contraindications to treatment.
Once you make your Optimal Wellness for Life Infusion Visit appointment, you will receive a packet of information to complete before your first visit. Upon arrival, you will check in at the front desk, turn in your new patient paperwork, and pay for the infusion package. First time patients will have a short 10-15-minute consultation with Dr. Ruby prior to the infusion. (Patients who have a current membership at OW, may not need to participate in the pre-infusion consult). Dr. Ruby will review your medical history, looking for any possible contraindications to treatment, go over allergy history and help determine the right infusion for you, based on your treatment goals.
The RN will prepare your infusion once your treatment plan is verified by Dr. Ruby. You will be escorted to the infusion room to begin treatment. The RN will verify your identity and treatment plan, then obtain a baseline set of vital signs. The IV catheter will be inserted, and the infusion started. You will be carefully monitored throughout the procedure. Most patients find the experience very relaxing. You may like to recline in our comfortable chairs, take advantage of free Wi-fi, listen to relaxing music, sip on some water, or snuggle up with a blanket and pillow. You are welcome to bring snacks, your favorite beverage, or that good book you’ve been trying to find time to finish!
Upon completion of the infusion, another set of vital signs will be taken. The IV catheter will be carefully removed, gauze and pressure applied, then secured with a wrap. You may schedule your next appointment or call when you are ready to return.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for your IV infusion visit is to stay hydrated. Drink a glass or two of pure water the evening before your visit, and about an hour before you arrive. Hydration causes your veins to plump up and improves venous access.
Remind yourself that IV nutrient therapy is a positive experience and something you are doing to improve your overall wellbeing. By staying calm and positive, you can allow yourself to be refreshed and rejuvenated by the entire experience.
Bring your favorite snack and/or decaffeinated beverage, a book to read, or other preferred entertainment to promote relaxation and comfort.
Generally, you should plan 90 to 120 minutes for your first infusion visit; this includes time for your initial consultation with Dr. Ruby. For repeat visits, set aside 60 to 75 minutes for the infusion session. Please keep in mind that, the duration of each visit depends on the nutrient infusion being administered and your specific needs. Some can take as little as 15 minutes or as long as 2 hours to infuse. Our staff at Optimal Wellness for Life is fully committed to making sure the experience is as comfortable as possible.
Vitamin Absorption Guarantee: Because the IV delivery method bypasses the GI tract entirely, it can be an ideal option for people who have been unresponsive to oral supplementation. When taken orally, only a fraction (20-40% or less) of the essential nutrients are absorbed due to a variety of factors: unhealthy diet, insufficient essential nutrients, widespread prevalence of gastrointestinal problems, chronic illness and more. In contrast, 90-100% vitamin absorption is guaranteed when administered intravenously, reducing reliance on pills. For patients with chronic conditions who find it difficult, uncomfortable, or impossible to take oral supplements, infusion therapy can be a lifeline.
Instant Hydration: IV nutrient therapy provides instant hydration for individuals who have recently come out of surgery, those recovering from loss of fluids or electrolytes related to diarrhea or vomiting. Those suffering from hangover symptoms, too, can benefit from the immediate effects IV nutrient therapy and rehydration.
Improved Athletic Performance, Recovery, and Endurance: Athletes seeking to replenish and rehydrate after an intense workout enjoy the benefits of an expedient sports recovery with infusion therapy. Many athletes report improved athletic performance related to the reduced recovery time, the elimination of toxins and byproducts like lactic acid, and boosted endurance that IV nutrient therapy provides.
Age Management: Another documented benefit of IV nutrient therapy is age management. By eliminating free radicals and gently opening detoxification pathways, the damaging effects of UV rays can be reversed, supporting your skin health! Many patients claim to experience stronger hair and nails, clearer skin and improved eyesight as a result of IV nutrition.
Preventative Treatment and Protection: IV nutrient therapy is touted as an ideal preventative treatment. The immune system is supported and enhanced as the nutrients are directly delivered to the cells and help to fight free radicals in the body. It can also minimize the effects of environmental toxins on your delicate body systems.
And More! Others have also reported:
increased energy
improved migraine symptoms
less anxiety
improved stress management
better sleep
less pain
expedited recovery from post-illness fatigue
No two people are alike, so it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how long you’ll feel the effects of treatment. Part of this depends on your body’s metabolism, as IV fluids will remain in your system until they are metabolized and excreted. In general, however, you may experience an elevation in mood, concentration, and energy for three or four days after treatment. The positive effects on cellular function can last up to 2-3 weeks, though you may not “feel” any different.
It’s important to remember that a variety of factors influence your results. These include nutrient imbalances and overall health. Another factor is dehydration, which can occur at any time and is more common than you might think.
“So glad I discovered infusion therapy at OW!! I look forward to each treatment and it’s become a big part of my health maintenance.”
— Sarah G.

PlenishIV offers the same benefits as the well-known Myers Cocktail, the vitamin infusion that started it all!
Included in this blend are B Complex vitamins and minerals, including B12, which play a role in multiple bodily functions like blood sugar control, metabolism, and the production of energy. Highly recommended as a comprehensive maintenance infusion that promotes energy production and keeps the body in balance.
Inner Beauty
It's your time to GLOW! Promote and restore beautiful skin, hair, and nails from the inside-out with the Inner Beauty GLOW nutrient infusion!
Your skin is your largest organ and provides visual clues to your overall health. No serum or cream can substitute for the essential vitamins and minerals your cells need. Boost your inner beauty with hydration on a cellular level, biotin, antioxidants that brighten and lighten skin tone, and vita-B complex all working together to give you that healthy GLOW.
Get instant hydration with 1 Liter of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers.
This isotonic solution gently replenishes electrolytes, restores fluid balances, and reduces acidity. It can provide low level detoxification by simply flushing out your system. Lactated Ringer's is also an excellent choice when recovering from fluid loss related to an illness or condition.
Save up to 20% with our Maintenance Packages*
3 Infusions = 10% Off
Must all be used within 3 months of purchase.
6 infusions = 15% Off
Must all be used within 6 months of purchase.
9+ Infusions = 20% Off
Must all be used within 9 months of purchase.
B12 Boost
Fighting fatigue? Brain Fog? Try the B12 Boost!
Injections of B12 can provide immediate benefits. B12 is known to have an impact on energy levels, leading to improved metabolic function and ability to lose weight. It also works with folate to produce the amino acid SAMe, which elevates your mood and immune function. Deficiency in B12 can cause hair loss, numbness and tingling to extremities, anemia, brain fog, and increased risk of osteoporosis, making it an absolute necessity for those following a vegan lifestyle.
IV Nutrient Infusions Offered
Tap each box for more information
Basic Membership
1 IV per month
Plus a “free” monthly injection and free PEMF or massage chair
Perfect for maintaining a healthy lifestyle or managing chronic illness
*With a 12 month commitment. A $296 value!
Immune Boost
Immune Boost takes the PlenishIV blend to the next level! By adding a generous dose of Vitamin C, your immune system will have the support it needs to fight off those damaging free radicals that we all encounter day-to-day.
One of the primary benefits of the Immune Boost is to strengthen your protection against frequent viral infections like cold and flu.
Vitamin C is the main driver behind this beneficial effect. Combined with the nourishing advantages of B Complex, Magnesium and Calcium, you can expect benefits beyond immune support such as: improved memory retention, vascular health, iron absorption, mood, and vitality!
The Hydra-C infusion is comprised of 1 liter of Normal Saline, providing complete hydration, coupled with a high dose of Vitamin C.
Because your body doesn't produce or store Vitamin C, it must constantly be replenished through diet or supplementation. Vitamin C deficiencies are commonly seen in those who smoke, have a limited diet, have certain GI conditions or types of cancer. Hydra-C is not for everyone so please set up a consultation with Dr. Ruby to discuss first how we can help.
Add-On: IV Fluid
One full liter of IV fluid.
In some circumstances, a full liter of IV fluids (1000mL) may be desired or recommended and can be added to any nutrient blend.
Sunshine Shot (D3)
Tired of hearing that your vitamin D levels are low? It may be time for a shot of "The Sunshine Vitamin!"
42% of American adults are Vitamin D deficient, which can make you susceptible to illness, depression, osteoporosis and autoimmune illnesses. D plays a critical role in the absorption of calcium, immune response, fighting inflammation, and can aid in weight loss, preventing diabetes, and hypertension. Known to reduce the mortality risk from certain cancers, studies show monthly injections may be more effective than oral administration.
*Cannot be combined with maintenance/package deals
Power Package
The Power Package is our signature all-inclusive nutrient blend. You get the sum of all the amazing vitamins and minerals contained in PlenishIV, packed with a liberal dose of Vitamin C, then followed by the "mother of all antioxidants," Glutathione.
With the Power Package you can expect health benefits such as: increased energy, improved skin health and appearance, bolstered stress management, better sleep, cognitive performance, enhanced athletic performance, expedited sports recovery, less headaches, reduced anxiety, and the list goes on!
Pure and simple, this IV bolus of Glutathione is sure to give you a cleansing lift and offer a wide range of protection.
Glutathione is a strong antioxidant the body makes and uses every day. As the backbone
metals, toxins, and free radicals. It's been shown to improve brain and heart health, fight inflammation, reduce signs of aging, boost the immune system, enhance athletic performance, improve symptoms of autism, and reduce peripheral vascular disease.
Add-On: PEMF Therapy Session
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy
Enhance your infusion experience with PEMF therapy! PEMF produces a mild magnetic, electrical current that is used to promote increased blood flow, accelerated healing, and cell renewal throughout the body.
*PEMF therapy is not recommended for those with implanted electrical devices or during pregnancy.
*Maintenance Offers only apply to the PlenishIV, Immune Boost, Power Package, and Hydra-C infusions. Package expiration is determined by the number of infusions purchased. For example, 3 infusions must be used within 3 months, 6 infusions must be used within 6 months, etc.
Nutrient Injections Offered
Tap each box for more information
Restorative C
Vitamin C is a powerful immune booster and perhaps the most researched vitamin. With proven results, the benefits of Restorative-C injections are undeniable!
Vitamin C injections are potent antioxidants with increasingly diverse uses in wellness and disease prevention. By delivering this essential vitamin deep into the muscle tissue, absorption into the blood stream is guaranteed and is able to provide immediate effects such as: the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
Save 10% with a package deal!
Pre-purchase 4 of a particular Nutrient Injection and save $10 Example: A package of four B12 Boost Injections would cost $90, instead of $100 when purchased individually.
IV Infusion Therapy Membership Plans
Save even more by becoming a member! *
Elite Membership
2 IVs per month
Plus a “free” monthly injection and free PEMF or massage chair
Perfect for enjoying twice the benefits
*With a 12 month commitment. A $592 value!
Exclusive Membership
4 Vitamin C IVs per month (up to 50g)
Plus a “free” monthly injection and free PEMF or massage chair
30% off an infusion in your birthday month
Perfect for enjoying weekly benefits
*With a 12 month commitment. A $1,000 value!
Book Now!
To schedule an appointment, please select a date from the booking form below.
View Forms
Please download, complete, and return these forms to Optimal Wellness before your first appointment.
Want to learn more? Fill out the form below or call 410-861-5256
Disclaimer: IV nutrient therapy is not a substitute for an unhealthy lifestyle or a cure for chronic illnesses, but many report alleviations from certain symptoms associated with chronic conditions when administered in conjunction with other prescribed treatments. IV nutrient therapy aids bodily functions through nutritional support delivered directly to the cells.