Functional Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Functional Medicine is a comprehensive, time intensive approach to chronic disease that is not covered by Traditional Health Insurance. We have found that clients experience the most significant health improvements when they partner with us on an ongoing basis.

  • Optimal Wellness offers a membership model. This life-changing approach can be offered to more people at an affordable cost. This model has proven to promote the best relationship to establish a healing atmosphere. This paired commitment between the client and their Functional Medicine provider will promote continued motivation, education, communication, and accountability along the healing journey.

  • Your first step would be to schedule an introductory consultation with Dr. Ruby for her to assess your needs and how our team can best serve you. This consultation is typically 30-40 minutes.

  • We offer in person and telemedicine appointments.

  • Yes. We have many clients that use their HSA or FSA accounts. Check with your account administrator for more details.

  • No. You may be able to use your HSA or FSA benefits for some of our services.

  • Certain labs that Dr. Ruby orders can be submitted through your insurance. Functional lab testing is available but is not typically covered by insurance. Our clients have access to these labs at an additional cost.


Frequently Asked Questions.

  • In medical terms, “IV” stands for intravenous. Essentially, IV therapy works by delivering fluids directly into your veins through a small catheter. The placement of an IV catheter is performed by a registered nurse and involves piercing the skin, which may cause a small amount of discomfort. Once the vein is accessed, the needle comes out and the plastic catheter is left in its place. The benefits you’ll receive with IV nutrient therapy far outweigh the minor distress of this procedure.

    The intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver fluid replacement, nutrients, or medications throughout the body. Since the fluids immediately enter the Circulatory System, they are quickly distributed to the tissues and cells, thereby, having an instant effect.

  • An IV infusion uses a pump or the natural force of gravity to deliver fluids into the body over a specified and controlled amount of time. For this reason, they are often referred to as “drips.” Infusion times will vary and are determined by the safe drip rate for a given medication or nutrient as recommended by the pharmaceutical manufacturer of the product.

    An IV injection, also known as, a bolus or IV push, is a rapid intravenous injection of medication. A syringe is connected to your catheter to send a one-time dose of a drug into your bloodstream followed by a saline flush. The effects are immediate, but not all medications can be safely administered by this route. Your practitioner will determine the safest and most effective way to administer the medication you need.

    An intramuscular injection, also called an IM injection, is a technique used to deliver a vitamin or medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. Intramuscular injections may be used instead of intravenous injections because some medications are irritating to veins, or because a suitable vein can’t be located. It may be used instead of oral delivery because some medications are destroyed or poorly absorbed by the digestive tract when swallowed.

  • Healthy individuals seeking to combat dehydration, boost the immune system, improve energy levels, enhance sports performance, or aid in sports recovery can all benefit from the effects of IV nutrient therapy.

    Many women seek IV nutrient therapy as part of their beauty regimen. Antioxidants given through the IV eliminate free radicals that are a major contributing factor to the aging process.

    Those suffering from chronic conditions can also benefit from IV nutrient infusion therapy. The supportive care experienced with IV nutrient infusion therapy has reportedly provided a measure of relief from symptoms caused by the following: allergies, asthma, auto-immune disorders, cancer, chemical toxicity, chronic fatigue, chronic pain/fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease or other gastrointestinal malabsorption conditions, immune disorders, migraines, morning sickness, muscular disorders, some neurological disorders, and more.

  • A major concern some people have about IV nutrient therapy is whether or not it truly works. As drip bars and other IV services become more popular, they are being endorsed by celebrities and massively marketed. This can raise questions regarding IV service legitimacy.

    It helps to consider the fact that IV therapy is an affiliate of the same services provided in hospitals. The efficacy of IV infusions to rehydrate and replenish fluids and nutrients for hospital patients is clear. IV nutrient therapy provided, outside of a hospital setting, is simply a different employment of already validated methods of fluid and nutrient resuscitation.

    By delivering antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into your bloodstream, your immune system has the building blocks it needs to repair and protect your body. Many experience a surge in energy, a lift in mood, or an increased feeling of alertness.

  • Benefits can be experienced after the first session, and with regular treatments, safe and lasting effects can be achieved.

  • Regularly scheduled IV nutrient therapy is highly recommended for optimal effects and benefits. The frequency in which you schedule treatment sessions is recommended by the practitioner, but can also be determined by how you feel, your wellness budget, and treatment goals.

    If an individual is suffering from a chronic illness, they may start with frequent doses and then taper down to monthly usage after stabilizing their condition. Whatever the frequency, dosage, or mixture, the intravenous nutrient therapy option is customizable depending on the patient’s needs.

    Most people incorporate IV nutrient therapy into their routine on a biweekly or monthly basis, particularly if they are using it as part of a robust health maintenance program, to aid in muscle recovery, prevent migraines, boost immunity, or enhance cognitive performance. Optimal Wellness for Life offers convenient discounted package rates to help you manage your wellness plan and budget.

  • Intramuscular injections of certain nutrients are also available and are a very quick and effective method of delivering particular nutrients. An injection visit can be completed in about 10 minutes or less.

    Some specific nutrients do not require the fluid, or as much fluid, and can be slowly injected intravenously. This form of treatment is called an “IV push” or “bolus.” IV push treatments take about 15-20 minutes to administer.

  • While IV therapies are safe for kids, our nutrient blends are designed for adults. In specific circumstances, you may set up a consultation with Dr. Ruby for a child at least 16 years of age to discuss a treatment plan designed to target a specific condition.

  • No, Optimal Wellness for Life cannot accept medical insurance for IV nutrient therapy. However, we provide a generously discounted rate when you purchase a package of 3, 6, or 9+ infusion sessions!

  • Yes, Optimal Wellness for Life does accept HSA/FSA credit cards as a form of payment. Please take time to check the details and exclusions of your HSA/FSA benefits agreement to ensure coverage for your IV nutrient infusion or injection therapy.

  • No, an Optimal Wellness membership is not required to take advantage of our infusion and injection services. Anyone can make an appointment to receive all the benefits of IV nutrient infusion therapy!

  • Optimal Wellness for Life regularly orders infusion and injection products from AnazaoHealth and Empower Pharmacy. Both of these compounding pharmacies prioritize safety and are committed to producing quality, clean products. Refrigerated products are and shipped overnight on ice to maintain freshness.

  • No, vitamin infusions are not new. The therapy can be traced to the 1960s when Johns Hopkins’ physician John Myers began treating chronic problems in patients with a formula of vitamins and minerals. The exact recipe he used is unknown, but the conditions that successfully benefited from the “Myers’ cocktail” included: fatigue, asthma, allergies, muscle spasms, and headaches. Dr. Myers also treated many medically healthy patients who asked for regular injections because they felt healthier for weeks or months after.

  • Pregnant women suffering from dehydration related to persistent nausea and vomiting may be eligible to receive 1 liter of Normal Saline. You may be required to receive a written order from your OBGYN to receive treatment. Please set up a consultation with Dr. Ruby prior to your visit to discuss the best course of action.